Creamery construction
It feels good at the moment to have a break from construction. It’s been the first year in a long time that there is not a farm construction project. 2018 and 2019 were very active building years. We built the cheese make room and cheese aging space in 2018. In 2019 was our 2nd phase of construction which included a new milking parlor and a bathroom, which is required to meet legal state standards. Our cheese make room and milking parlor came together as all one building. In the beginning design stages, the milk parlor and cheese make room were planned as two separate buildings. Although in the end, we constructed it as all one compound. We chose to have the cows close to our house at milking time and to transfer the milk from cow to bulk tank to cheese vat to cheese cave, all under one roof. The commute is a pleasing 20 second walk to work.
Here are some images of our creamery, that I find the most pleasing.
Clean and crisp architectural edges, I’m happy when I can pull it off.