Ema datshi
I have never been to Bhutan, but I have recently become a huge fan of their national dish: Ema datshi. It’s spicy, cheesy and delcious-what a perfect combo. I’ve found that the dish goes splendidly with our blue cheese, giving the dish a wonderful flavor. Ema datshi is quick and easy to make. So if you like spice and you like cheese, here is the recipe below. Go make some Ema datshi! Also, thanks to Hun for the recipe and the help in making the dish last Sunday. As a wearer of many hats, Dr. Hun Lye is a frequent guide and trip leader to Bhutan, plus a top notch chef and great friend that brings backs the exotics of the world back to WNC!
A link to one of Hun’s previous trips back in 2019:
*10 oz. fresh spicy chillies(any spicy chili will work. play around with different chillies and see what taste the best. the Bhutanese take is super hot-i’ve heard! not tasted- but add as much chili heat as you can take) You can also use dried chillies. This is what we used last Sunday. Make sure to rehydrate the chillies with hot water before adding to the skillet.
*1 red onion
*1 tablespoon unsalted butter or ghee
*8 oz wedge of Blue cheese
* salt to taste
*1.5 cups of water
*optional: you can also add sliced mushrooms or bite sized cuts of potatoes. It makes it a completely different dish, but also a delicious one.